The next morning Sandra knew a busy day lay ahead. Because her auntie had come there would be lots of visitors dropping in to meet her and to collect all the things she had brought for them from their friends and family. Most of the people who came were not...
“And He spoke a parable to them, saying…”
Stories have been with us from the beginning of time. The power of a story is known all over the world, in every culture and for young and old. The Scriptures record the wonderful stories that the Lord Jesus told (we usually call them parables) and they have been teaching profound truths ever since His first hearers listened in rapt attention.
Sandra – Chapter 5
The next morning Sandra woke up after a very sound sleep and wondered what it was she had been wondering about. Then she remembered and was just as puzzled as she had been when she went to bed. She decided to lie in bed and have a Good Think. “Sandra, are...
Sandra – Chapter 4
His father is not a priest so what did he mean?” Sandra asked. “God sent him, but is he different from all of us, or the same? We all have a mother and a father.” “Well, well, Missy, you are finding things out aren’t you.” “But I need to know,...
Sandra – Chapter 3
Monika was older than Sandra, but she was one of those fun grown-ups that you can have as a friend. She liked Sandra and they often did things together, but the thing that Sandra liked best was their Serious Talks. Monika knew a lot, but she was good at...
Sandra – Chapter 2
When Sandra woke up next morning she lay in bed for some time, thinking. “It was really true”, she thought. “God has sent the one that He promised.” It was a long time ago, but last night she felt that she was right there. Even now it seemed as...
Sandra – Chapter 1
This story was originally written for another Sandra, now with her Lord, whose short life remains an encouragement and inspiration to all of us who knew her. There was once a young girl whose name was Sandra. She lived not too far away and at a time a bit like...
Well, we asked her – she was about 13 years old then - if she would like to come with us and meet an old lady to whom we had been referred, and I have to tell you, she was not too keen. She rolled her eyes and glanced quickly towards her mother to see if there was...
The Eagle – a story
Let me tell you about a certain young girl who lived in a lush green land that was both quiet and peaceful. She had been a playful and energetic child like all of the other young girls who lived in that small village, but one day everything changed. Her mother cooked...
Someone is listening
A young girl was sick, very sick. She was so sick she was in hospital, and she had stayed in hospital for a long time. She had been told that there was a great God who made the world and who knew all about everybody. She had also heard that He had even come into the...