“Contend earnestly for the faith”  (Jude 1:3)

Gospel truth

Apologetics sounds rather technical, but the truth of the Gospel (and all the Scripture) has been under attack since the beginning. It is, as has been said, an anvil that has worn out many hammers. We continue, with many others, to “contend earnestly for the faith” (Jude 1:3) while also proclaiming it.

I find no fault in Him

Pilate was in no mood to pander to the Jewish rulers. He had to come out to them because they would not “defile themselves” by entering the Praetorium! It was early morning and he resented being used by them. They had probably sent a late-night delegation to his...

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A Sinless Life

Every person who sins is rightly called a sinner. The question of guilt is one of degree only, but our place in the category is fixed. A person without sin would be in an entirely different category. For such a person, one sin, one small failure of any kind, would...

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An Unquenchable Life

An Australian Prime Minister, frustrated perhaps with the expectations placed upon him, was once heard to say that “life wasn’t meant to be easy”. He was attacked and derided because people wanted, even demanded, ease, as if it were a fundamental right. Indeed, for...

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On Repentance

"I kept back nothing that was helpful, but proclaimed it to you, and taught you publicly and from house to house, testifying to Jews, and also to Greeks, repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ." (Acts 20:20-21) Paul frequently distils into a few...

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Silence! A message from the King!

Euanggelion. Gospel. Good news. There is a scene from the great musical "Hamilton" where a song is interrupted by a herald with the words: "Silence! A message from the king. A message from the king. A message from the king!" The king in Hamilton is George III,...

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Two rich men

The lives of two rich men were changed when they met the Lord Jesus. The first was young, with an enviable reputation and standing among his peers - the sort of man that every mother might have wished her son to be. He came running to Jesus with a question. “Good...

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When everything changes

Change is something we have come to expect—new technology, new roads, new cars, new devices, entirely new ways to work and play.  Change has become the unchanging normal. Yes, but what happens when change of a totally unwelcome kind suddenly assaults us?  We...

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Such love

Words, words, words!  Tell me what you want to say and make it brief!” “God so loved the world that-” “If only I could believe that!  The world is so full of bloodshed and misery I can hardly bear to think about it.  If God did love the world so much,...

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A strange peace

"Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit." (Psalms 32:1-2) The Scripture is full of understatement. Things are said that, when seasoned...

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