Thoughts and Reflections

From a few ordinary Christians

About us

This website has been put together by a few Christians who have been meeting together in Auburn and Kellyville (Sydney, Australia) for some years and who want to share with each other, and anyone else who cares to visit, their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and their growing understanding of His Word and ways.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, my strength and my redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14)

Recent additions


Questions: (submitted by a group of young people) Is it a sin if you are extremely sick and you ask the doctors to end your life?Euthanasia - isn't it my choice to end my suffering? Answer: Summary: Many western countries are passing legislation to makes medically...

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QUESTION (submitted by a group of young people): Should abortion be permitted or not? ANSWER: Summary: At what point during the growth and development of the unborn life within a pregnant woman, from fertilisation through to birth, does it become human? Certainly not...

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Does God exist?

QUESTIONS (submitted by a group of young people): How do we know that God is real?Is there evidence that God does not exist? ANSWER: Summary: The universe, and everything in it, has an origin that is either personal or impersonal. If it is impersonal, life is utterly...

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(A Christian version of the well known poem by Rudyard Kipling) If you can follow Christ when all around youAre following themselves and their desireIf you can trust the Shepherd who has found youAnd walks with you through every flood and fireIf you can act with grace...

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The Two Tables of the Law

It has become customary to think that when God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, one of the stone tablets contained the first four, and the other, the remaining six. Why? Because the first four commandments concern our relationship with God, and the remaining six our...

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I find no fault in Him

Pilate was in no mood to pander to the Jewish rulers. He had to come out to them because they would not “defile themselves” by entering the Praetorium! It was early morning and he resented being used by them. They had probably sent a late-night delegation to his...

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